يا الله ( Ya Alloh)

يا الله ( Ya Alloh) He who perpetuate the Alloh without lafadz the other preoccupied with continue and all his act always dzikir Alloh Alloh. then people are given advantages that can see things that unseen magical-that is in the palace and the palace of heaven and earth Alloh will give power to see things to exist, the Specifically all things exist,if this man command to another people, what this person said will obey, if he command to a subject so of course what he want will real , for example, when people say to the sand: sand become flour, the flour is changed into flour Biidznillah, And lafadz Alloh Alloh is dzikir people hwo have the noble men of rank and will be in the open vision of birth and inside his heart so what he desired will be opened.