لااله الا نت سبحانك انى كنت من الظالمين

لااله الا نت سبحانك انى كنت من الظالمين LAA ILAAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHAANAKA INNI KUNTU MINAL DHOOLIMIINA This means: There is no god except you. Omniscient holy Thou, the true we classified dholim people . Fadilah: Prophet Muhammad said that meant more than that: He who in the circumstances or the situation complex, difficult to be solved, if the sentence is then read Alloh will provide facilities (leisure) so that when we ask the Alloh,so Alloh will feel heavy not to fulfill the request people who read this sentence. This sentenve been read by the prophet Jonah (nabi yunus). When facing the most difficult situation that is at the time was in the belly of the fish. Finally,he pray to Alloh and with the permission of Alloh he can exit in the belly of the fish, survived when his destiny is in the belly of the fish reaches of Resurrection, but he read the sentence so that the Alloh survived him in the belly of the fish.